Mindfulness Online Courses

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Elisha Goldstein’s A Course in Mindful LivingLearn the art of Mindful Living and how to build an enduring mindfulness practice in this six-month online program with personalized mentorship, accountability groups, and a robust, vibrant community.

Elisha Goldstein’s 28-day Basics of Mindfulness Program Community-Based Course: An interactive community-based course teaching the elements of integrating mindfulness into daily life, how to work with distraction, practice formal meditation and open up to more experiences of compassion and balance.

Elisha Goldstein’s 28-day Basics of Mindfulness Program Email Based Course: Learn elements of integrating mindfulness into daily life, how to work with distraction, practice formal meditation and open up to more experiences of compassion and balance.

Rick Hanson’s Foundations of Well-Being Course: This program incorporates ideas and methods that are grounded in science to change your brain, and your life, for the better.

James Baraz’s Awakening Joy Course: An internationally recognized course designed to awaken joy through exciting themes and practices that incline the mind toward well-being and deeper insight.

Emindful’s Programs: Online mindfulness courses with guided practices that cultivate greater awareness of the unity of mind and body, and have improved the emotional and physical health of thousands of participants.


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