Natalie Bell, PT, CMF

Natalie Bell

Natalie Bell, PT, CMF
Course: Mindful Self-Compassion

Natalie Bell has been practicing mindful awareness and meditation since 1985, lived in an ashram for a year in 1989 dedicating herself to intensive practice of meditation, and has studied various forms including concentrative, transcendent and vipassana.  She became a Physical Therapist working for 17 years as a hospital clinician, Director of Rehabilitation, and a clinical specialist for medical devices.

Natalie is a certified mindfulness instructor for UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) leading workshops, sitting groups and classes for UCLA and Teach For America.  She is a trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion.  Natalie founded Mindful Wellness to bring mindfulness training and coaching to individuals and corporations with a focus on mindful self-compassion to promote well-being. She teaches many groups including physicians and healthcare teams, corporate groups, and teachers, bringing awareness practices for self-regulation, greater balance, and self-acceptance.  Natalie also teaches at Unplug Meditation Studio in West L.A.

To contact Natalie directly please visit her website: or email her at

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